Harto Hyppolite Desk

Super Cool Desk

Cupertino, CA

Hey, most of you will probably get this by Thanksgiving. Some of you might not. Plan the holiday around this bundle at your own risk.

Donate, Earn Smiles and More!

1. Post what you donate

Take a picture and post what you wnat to donate. It will be shown to someone who really wants it.

2. Someone requests your donation

When the post is published, it can be shown to all users. Maybe there is someone who really wants your donation. You can check it from administrator page.

3. Get a lot of smiles :)

Not just a smaile. When someone who requested receive your donation, maybe you will get a little money from someone who requested to appreciate.

Richard Cupertino, CA

This is awesome idea! Yesterday, I received a great queality rubber duck! I've been a lot of used rubber ducks, but this is the best one. Thank you, Zugena. I'll be back.

Richard Cupertino, CA

Toyota Corolla, it was what I got it. It's amazing! Users using this service are really good people. They know really what sharing is. Next time, I will donate my house in Yosemite. I can't wait what will be happened.

Richard Cupertino, CA

I donate many things on this service and many of users they always give me some money. Wow. I just want to help someone instead of throwing away. Now I know what 'Earn Smliles And More!' means.